Nov 22, 2015 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Counter Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Faith” (2 Corinthians 4:1-6) by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the final sermon in the Counter Culture sermon series based on the book by David Platt. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced menu....
Nov 15, 2015 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Counter Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Love Your Neighbor” (Matthew 22:37-40) by Craig Tanner. This is the sixth sermon in the Counter Culture sermon series based on the book by David Platt. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced...
Nov 8, 2015 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Counter Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Marriage and Sexuality Part 2” by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the fifth sermon in the Counter Culture sermon series based on the book by David Platt. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced...
Nov 1, 2015 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Counter Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Marriage and Sexuality Part 1” by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the fourth sermon in the Counter Culture sermon series based on the book by David Platt. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced...
Oct 25, 2015 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Counter Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Life” by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the third sermon in the Counter Culture sermon series based on the book by David Platt. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced menu. Choose Subscribe to...
Oct 18, 2015 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Counter Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Wealth, Widows, and Orphans” by Rev. G. Scott Perry. 1 Timothy 6:6-10, Mark 12:30-31. This is the second sermon in the Counter Culture sermon series based on the book by David Platt. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open...