Nov 17, 2013 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Confronting a Contentious Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Practical Guide for Living in the Last Days” (2 Peter 3:14-18) by Craig Tanner. This is the last message in the series Confronting a Contentious Culture. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced...
Nov 10, 2013 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Confronting a Contentious Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Living in the Meantime” (2 Peter 3:11-13) by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the eight message in the series Confronting a Contentious Culture. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced menu. Choose...
Nov 3, 2013 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Confronting a Contentious Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Timing is Everything” (2 Peter 3:8-10) by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the seventh message in the series Confronting a Contentious Culture. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced menu. Choose...
Oct 27, 2013 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Confronting a Contentious Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Stirring Up Sincere Thinking” (2 Peter 3:1-7) by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the sixth message in the series Confronting a Contentious Culture. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced menu....
Oct 20, 2013 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Confronting a Contentious Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “A Subtle Approach with a Fatal Result” (2 Peter 2:10b-22) by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the fifth message in the series Confronting a Contentious Culture. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the...
Oct 13, 2013 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Confronting a Contentious Culture, Video
Today’s sermon, “Danger Within” (2 Peter 2:1-10a) by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the fourth message in the series Confronting a Contentious Culture. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced menu. Choose...