This Sunday the Choir will be singing “Evermore” in both services, please be at the Church in the Choir room by 8:00. Also if you have not given me your $21.00 donation for the new Choir stoles please do so. If you would like to pay extra for a stole for...

MUSIC ON 10/16/05

This week the Choirs will be given a much needed break and will not sing at all this Sunday Morning, so just come enjoy sitting in the congregation with your families and loved ones. The praise team vocalist will be singing in both services this week. They will need...


Beginning Sunday, October 9, 2005 we will be extending our Choir rehearsals for thirty extra minutes. Instead of beginning at 6:00 pm, we will be starting at 5:30 pm. Christmas music will be worked on for the first 45 minutes, and then we will work on our regular...


A few weeks ago the Choir voted to purchase new Stoles to update the look of our Choir Robes. The cost of the stoles are $21.00 a piece. It was decided that everyone would make a donation for the cost of at least one stole if at all possible. If this is not in your...