

Bump, Set, Spike Co-Ed competitive volleyball is here! If you are at least 16 years and you want to play, sign up on the bulletin board by the office. The first game will be the second week of October. For more information, see Hannah Huitt
Sermon Podcast 09/23/07

Sermon Podcast 09/23/07

This week: Discovering Direction for Living (Proverbs 3:5-6) delivered by Rev. G. Scott Perry. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the “Advanced” menu. Choose “Subscribe to Podcast” and then copy and paste the following...


WOM Monday, Sept. 24 1:30 pm
Walk 4 Life

Walk 4 Life

Saving the Life of a baby one step at a time. Saturday, September 29, 2007 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Lifeline Pregnancy Center If you want to walk but are unable to or would like to sponsor someone, contact the Adult I Sunday School...