A Breakfast of Champions

A Breakfast of Champions

TBC Men’s Ministry presents A Breakfast of Champions For all men of all ages on March 8, 2008 at 8:00 am. Testimony by Jack Sohn Devotion by Scott Perry Trout fishing at Meramac Springs following for anyone interested.
30 Hour of Famine Benefit Meal

30 Hour of Famine Benefit Meal

After the 10:45 service. Cost: $5.00 for everyone. Donations will be accepted. All proceeds will benefit World’s Vision’s 30 Hour Famine.

The Importance of a Biblical Worldview

The Importance of a Biblical Worldview: A Plumb Line for Comparing Faiths What is your worldview?  Do you know what others believe? Join us on Sunday Evenings at 6:00 pm during Bible Study time to examine how other worldviews, faiths, religions, and cults compare...
Winter Jam

Winter Jam

Winter Jam Concert January 27, 2008 $10 at the door Call Craig in the church office for more details.