Apr 24, 2017 | Blog, TBC News
Applications are now being taken for the Love Thy Neighbor program. You can get the forms in the office or print the off here. The Love Thy Neighbor project is a community home repair service for people who have no means to make needed home repairs. The Love Thy...
Jan 2, 2017 | Blog, Classes, TBC News
Learn about the purpose, vision, and values of Temple Baptist Church. Ready to become a member of TBC? Attend one of our Membership 101 classes. You have two options for class attendance: On Sundays, starting January 8 at 5 pm On Wednesdays, starting January 11 at...
Jan 1, 2017 | Blog, TBC News
The church directories are now available. You may pick your directory up in the office during office hours. If you had your picture taken, a copy of the directory has been reserved for your family. Limited copies of the directory are available for families that were...