Jul 27, 2017 | Blog, TBC News
On Sunday, July 30 we will be implementing the new Child Safety Check-In system. The purpose of this system is to increase the security of our facility and the safety of our children during church activities and services. These new check-in procedures will only affect...
Jul 11, 2017 | Blog, Children, TBC News, Video
Galactic Starvayors Day One Summary Video Day Two Summary Video Day Three Summary Video Family Night...
Jul 9, 2017 | Blog, Ministry Opportunities, TBC News
In August, Meals on Wheels will return to its weekly delivery schedule. We need volunteers to help with our scheduled delivery day. If you can help, please call the church office.
Jun 11, 2017 | Archived Sermon Podcasts, Blog, Stand Firm, Video
Today’s sermon, “Ministry from the Heart” (1 Thessalonians 2:1-8) by Rev. G. Scott Perry. This is the 4th sermon in the Stand Firm series. To use iTunes to subscribe to this podcast simply open iTunes and go to the Advanced menu. Choose Subscribe to...
Jun 6, 2017 | Blog, Mission Trips
This year marks the second year of our Love Thy Neighbor campaign. Many people in the community were a part of this campaign last year and many people benefitted from the work that was done in 2016, but there are also many who have no idea what Love Thy Neighbor (LTN)...
May 30, 2017 | Blog, TBC News
Vacation Bible School Supplies are needed. In the Fellowship Hall, you will find Post-It notes with items that are needed for snack and craft time at Vacation Bible School this year. Next time you are at church, take a few of those Post-Its to purchase and bring back...