Jul 8, 2018 | Blog, Ministry Opportunities, TBC News
July 9-13 8:30 am – 12:00 4-year olds to 5th grade Bible Study Music Games Food Fun! Register students in the church office. Transportation provided if needed. Call the church office. (573) 468-8044 Come join us!!! Family Night Thursday, July 12 6:00 pm Program...
Jul 1, 2018 | Announcements, Blog, Discipleship, TBC News
The Men’s morning Bible study for Wednesday, July 4 has been canceled. We will resume on July 11. Happy 4th of July!
Jun 1, 2018 | Blog, Events, Ministry Opportunities
This year marks the third year of our Love Thy Neighbor campaign. Many people in the community were a part of this campaign last year and many people benefitted from the work that was done in 2017, but there are also many who have no idea what Love Thy Neighbor (LTN)...
May 27, 2018 | Blog, Ministry Opportunities, Mission Trips
For the past 14 years, TBC has been taking groups to Casper Wyoming to work with Mountain Top Baptist Assembly. MTBA is owned by the Wyoming Baptist Convention and provides ministry camps to children, teens, and adults from around the state and surrounding states as...
Mar 18, 2018 | Church Life
Easter! Believers across the world gather to offer praise and thanksgiving as they celebrate our Lord’s glorious victory over death, hell and the grave! Cries of “Hallelujah, He is risen!” ring out in the halls of cathedrals, from behind pulpits, and...