“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek. For in it God’s righteousness is revealed from faith to faith, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith.” (Romans 1:16-17)


Last Sunday was a different kind of Sunday since the storm was blowing through right about the time we were all coming to church for the early service, and there were all kinds of power outages, because of that, there just wasn’t enough people able to get here for us to be able to sing in the early service, but we were able to sing in the second service and everyone did a fine job. Thanks for coming and being a part of worship. This week we will be singing “Holy Ground” in both services. We will meet in the choir room at 8:00 am for the early service and again by 10:30 for the second service.

Mable Brown will be singing the Vocal Praise in both services.

Mable Brown will be playing the piano and Pam Hagan will be playing the keyboard in the 8:15 service.

Kathy Perry will be playing the piano and Jean Lueken will be playing the keyboard in the 10:45 service.

The Praise Team will sing in the 10:45 service. The singers will be Cindy Muschany, Evette Eickelmann, Rick Matthiesen and Bradley Perry.

Choir Practice will be at 6:00 pm.

Praise Team Rehearsal will be at 7:00 pm with Sharon Doyle, Nancy Logan, Kathy Perry and Bradley Perry in attendance.


Preparations are underway for this years Christmas Eve Celebration. We completed our second rehearsal last Sunday evening and I have been very encouraged by the attendance and the people that are returning to participate. Last week during our open choir rehearsal we had 4 people return to participate in our 15th anniversary, and this week we had three more. Please welcome back Lil Krueger, Sheryl Jones, and Jim Eaton. It’s not to late, if you want to be involved, you go ahead and come on, and if you’ve decided not to sing and want to change your mind, you are always welcome. Please return the pre-posted response card that you received in the mail as soon as possible.


On Sunday evening October 5 at 6:00 pm we will be hosting Kaleb Krueger in concert. Kaleb is probably about 18 years old, extremely talented and gifted. He plays the guitar and piano and has a great singing voice. He has been doing concerts in churches since he was 15 years old. His commitment and desire to serve the Lord will be a huge blessing to you. Please begin now to invite your families, friends, acquaintances etc… to this special event.


The Sullivan Community Choir could still use more members especially men. If any of you have time, come give it a try. They meet every Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm in the Sullivan High School Choir room. I went last week and enjoyed it, I know you would too.

Sunday, September 21, 2008- Choir Practice 6:00 pm, Praise Team 7:00 pm with Sharon D., Nancy L., Kathy P. and Bradley P. in attendance.

Sunday, September 28, 2008- Choir Practice 6:00 pm, Praise Team 7:00 pm with Linda M., Christie J., Rick M. and Bradley P. in attendance.

Sunday, October 5, 2008- No Rehearsals, Kaleb Krueger in Concert at 6:00 pm.

“Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good. Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not lack diligence; be fervent in spirit; serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.” (Romans 12:9-12)