“Your every action must be done with love.” (1st Corinthians 16:14)


This week is our Patriotic Celebration in both services. I want to take the opportunity to thank each person who is participating in advance. We have not had to spend that much extra time preparing, in fact even if you’ve only attended one rehearsal or if you have the ability to sight read your way through you can still participate in this program. We won’t be having anymore rehearsals between now and then so let your own comfort level be your guide. This is a BIG MUSIC SUNDAY so it is very important that you participate in both services if at all possible. Please be in the choir room by 7:30 am. We will present the program at 8:15 and 10:45 am. Please wear red, white, or navy blue, any or all of these colors will be fine. Ladies wear slacks or dresses. Thanks again for being a part of this special time of worship.

Kathy Perry will play the piano and Jean Lueken will play the keyboard in both services.

The Men’s Quartet will sing the vocal praise in both services.

The Praise Team will not sing this week.

There will be no rehearsals this week due to our big program.


We will not be having rehearsals on the evening of June 29 due to our patriotic program, or the evening of July 6 due to the holiday weekend. Rehearsals will also be cancelled on July 13, due to V.B.S preparations. Rehearsals will resume Sunday evening July 20 at 6:00 pm for the Choir and 7:00 pm for the praise team. You all have done a fantastic Job on everything this year and you deserve a nice break. I hope this will get you rested and motivated to serve after the break. I want to thank everyone who participated at all in any way this year for all of your hard work and dedication, and the time and talents that you gave and continue to give so freely in the service of our Lord.


We need to party! After this Sunday we will just have completed another season of Ministry for the Choir, and as far as I know everyone survived. I think that calls for celebration. If you would be interested in hosting a choir party at your home please contact Evan Aldridge at the Church office- 468-8044 or Betty Scantlan our Social Coordinator at 860-2860. If you host the party at your home we will schedule it at your convenience when we hear from you. I hosted the last one and we all had a great time, and there wasn’t to much damage. (Ha!Ha!)


Sunday, June 29- Patriotic Celebration 8:15 and 10:45 am, please be in the Choir room by 7:30 am. There will be no rehearsals this evening.

“For God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you showed for His name when you served the saints- and continue to serve them.” (Hebrew 6:10)