“Now you, man of God, run from these (evil) things; but pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love , endurance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight for the faith; take hold of eternal life, to which you were called and have made a good confession before many witnesses.” (1st Timothy 6:11-12)



Thanks to those of you who were able to be here Sunday for the effort that you put forth. We didn’t have enough people to sing in the early service, and we had a small group in the second service, when we did sing. Please make every effort to be here this Sunday, for Father’s Day. We want this service to be special, and it is a BIG MUSIC SUNDAY, so you will need to plan to sing in both services. We will be singing the song “I Believe It All” in both services. This is a song that we have done a few times before, so most of you will know it. Please be in the choir room by 8:00 am for the 8:15 service, and again by 10:30 for the 10:45 service. You are much appreciated.

The Men’s Quartet will sing the Vocal Praise in both services.

Mable Brown will play the piano and Virgie McGill will play the Keyboard in the 8:15 service.

Kathy Perry will play the piano and Jean Lueken will play the Keyboard in the 10:45 service.

The Praise Team will sing in the 10:45 service, the singers will be Linda M., Christy J., Kathy P. and Bradley P.

There will be no rehearsals this evening, but a make-up rehearsal has been scheduled for 6:00 pm on Wednesday, June 18.


Summer is here, and the heat tends to make us all tired and worn out. The things that we normally would do, we don’t feel like doing. People are also taking weekend trips and vacations etc… These things are to be expected during the summer months, but what is unexpected is to not have enough people here to sing on a Sunday morning. Last Sunday for the early service, we only had 9 people show up, and the second service group was small. I want to be careful not to offend anybody at all, but I really expect for you all to be here on Sundays, I don’t ever expect that we will have perfect attendance, but I do plan on and expect to have enough people to sing in both services on Sunday mornings. The people who attend church here on Sunday mornings also expect the choir to sing. Those 9 people who showed up to sing in the early service also dragged themselves out of bed Sunday morning with the expectation that they would sing. I really don’t like to waste anyone’s time, but when they couldn’t’ sing it wasted the time and effort that they put forth to be here early. We might have gone ahead and sang if all the parts were covered, but we didn’t even have enough people to cover the parts. As a general rule as long as all the parts are covered, and we have 10 or more people in attendance we will sing. We have over 40 active choir members, with this number we should always have enough people to sing in both services. So I’m asking everyone to make a special effort to be here to sing on Sunday mornings through the summer. As members of the choir there are certain expectations that are placed on us automatically, and singing each week is one of them. Please, if you are in town come to church, and if you are in church sing in the choir, even if you’ve missed a few rehearsals, we need you.


The Patriotic Celebration is on Sunday, June 29 at 8:15 and 10:45 am, and believe it or not it’s not to late for you to be involved. If you can attend the last two rehearsals which  are Wednesday, June 18 at 6:00 pm and Sunday June 22 at 6:00 pm you can still participate. The music is all familiar songs that we have sung before, so you won’t have any trouble picking it up and re-learning it quickly. I just want all of you to know, even if you haven’t been in choir for a while, that it’s perfectly okay for you to come and sing with us for this presentation, you haven’t waited to long. We will wear red white and blue, you may wear any one of, or any combination of these colors. Ladies please wear dresses or slacks.


Sunday, June 15- Father’s Day BIG MUSIC SUNDAY, No Rehearsals.

Wednesday, June 18- Make-up Choir Rehearsal. The Praise Team will not be rehearsing this week, but Kalyn C., Erica T., Kathy P., and Bradley P., will still sing on Sunday June 22 without rehearsing.

Sunday, June 22- Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm in the Auditorium, No Praise Team Rehearsal.

Sunday, June 29- Patriotic Celebration BIG MUSIC SUNDAY 8:15 and 10:45 am, No Rehearsals.

“But Godliness with contentment is a great gain.” (1st Timothy 6:6)