“But set apart the Messiah as Lord in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” (1 Peter 3:15)


You all did a great job leading in worship Sunday, in every way. The choir special sounded great even though we had a little mistake that no one except us seemed to notice. The power and the spirit that you were singing with made it a blessing to listen to. This Sunday we are singing “Before The Throne of Grace” in both services. Please be in the choir room by 8:00 am for the 8:15 service, and again at 10:30 for the 10:45 service. Thank you for your time and commitment, and the dedication of your gifts to the Lord.

Jack Sohn will sing the Vocal Praise in both services.

Mable Brown will play the piano in the 8:15 service.

Jean Lueken will play the piano in the 10:45 service.

Pam Hagan will play the keyboard in both services.

The Praise Team will sing and play in the 10:45 service. The singers will be Sharon Doyle, Nancy Logan, Rick Matthiesen and Bradley Perry.

Choir Rehearsal will be at 6:00 pm.

Praise Team Rehearsal will be at 7:00 pm with Linda Magruder, Christie Jones, Rick Matthiesen and Bradley Perry in attendance.


Work is underway on this years Patriotic Celebration to be presented on June 29 at 8:15 and 10:45 am. If you are going to participate you will want to attend at least two rehearsals this month so that you will know what’s going on. All solo assignments have been made. Linda Magruder will sing the solo on “God Bless America”, Christie Jones will be singing the solo on “Break Our Hearts”, and The Men’s Quartet will be singing the Vocal Praise solo. I still have three speaking parts that will be read during the services. I will be making those assignments next Sunday during rehearsal. If you would like one, just let me know before Sunday evenings rehearsal. For this program we will wear red, white and navy blue. You may wear any one of these colors or any combination of the three.


This year, Father’s Day will be on June 15. This will be a BIG MUSIC SUNDAY. Please mark your calendars and plan to sing in both services on this day. If all goes well and we can pull it together we will be singing the song “Adonai” on that Sunday.


I still need a volunteer assistant that will help maintain the music library, take role, manage the choir fund, send out we missed you cards, just help keep things organized in general. If you know of someone that attends our church, that is looking for a behind the scenes type ministry that would be willing to do this, please let me know. They do not have to be a singer or a musician, however they will be considered a full fledged member of the Worship Arts Ministry. This person would work whenever there is a choir rehearsal.


Sunday, June 8- Choir Rehearsal 6:00, Praise Team 7:00 pm, with Linda M., Christie J., Rick M., and Bradley P. in attendance.

Sunday, June 15- Father’s Day= BIG MUSIC SUNDAY, sing in both services. No Rehearsals.

Wednesday, June 17- Make-up Choir rehearsal. The Praise Team will not be rehearsing this week, but Kalyn C., Erica T., Kathy P. and Bradley P. will still sing on Sunday, June 22 without rehearsing.

Sunday, June 22- Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm, no praise Team rehearsal this week.

Sunday, June 29- Patriotic Celebration= BIG MUSIC SUNDAY, 8:15 and 10:45 am, no rehearsals

“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without favoritism and hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” (James 3:17-18)