“Now when he had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:9-11)


I want to take this opportunity to say what a fantastic job you did in both services on the Easter program this past Sunday, your time and sacrifice payed off and the Lord really blessed us. Seeds of the Gospel were planted into the hearts of everyone who heard and one day they will sprout and grow and be harvested. I have to say thank you again to everyone who participated in any way in the program. I believe everything happens in the way it is supposed to happen. And though I felt like I was begging people to be a part of this program, God was at work calling and drawing the group of people together that he wanted to present this program. You responded to that call with obedience and a right spirit, and it was evident in the way everything came together that God worked. People who normally never say anything made it a point to contact me and say how blessed they were, or how God used the program to change their lives. I count it a privilege that God allowed me to be a part of this program. Why he uses me in any capacity I don’t know, but I am truly grateful and privileged that he does. Thanks again for making yourselves available to his call. I am always amazed at how God works, and I am truly amazed this time. Our program as you know was titled “I’ve Seen Jesus”, and I did see Jesus Sunday, and you know what? He looked like you.


Worship is defined as recognizing and proclaiming the worth, value and majesty, honor and glory of God and giving homage, respect, reverence and praise to God. Lamar Boschman’s definition in A Heart for Worship is this: “Worship is one’s heart expression of love, adoration, honor, and praise to the Living God with an acceptable attitude and an acknowledgment of His supremacy and Lordship.” He also says later in the same book: “When I worship, I would rather my heart be without words than my words be without heart.”

When you worship does this definition of worship describe what is going on in your heart?


This Sunday there will be no Praise Team or Choir in either service in the a.m., and no Praise Team or Choir rehearsals in the p.m.. Choir rehearsal will resume at 6:00 pm on Sunday evening April 6. Enjoy your time off.

The Ladies Trio will sing the Vocal Praise in both services.

Kathy Perry will play the piano in both services.

Pam Hagan will play the keyboard in the 8:15 service and Virgie McGill will play the Keyboard in the 10:45 service.


No Wednesday rehearsals until further notice

Sunday, March 30- No choir or Praise Team in the am, no rehearsals in the pm

Sunday, April 6- No Choir or Praise Team in the am, Rehearsals resume in the pm with Choir at 6:00 and Praise Team at 7:00 with Sharon Doyle, Nancy Logan, Kathy and Bradley Perry in attendance.

“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” (Acts 2:36)