Click here!The following teenagers, college students, and adults spent all day together on Saturday during the 30 Hour Famine. We had four or five of them go to the local mission to work and to help organize and sort the pantry. Other students spent the day running around town collecting food donations for the Agape House. We also spent the day creating a video to raise hunger awareness and making signs to place around the church. Among other things we discussed the world hunger crisis, had praise and worship, and bible study. Girls and guys split up in the evening and each group went to different host homes to play games and watch movies. We did all of this on empty stomachs! This group and many other individuals in our church are fasting for 30 hours to raise money and awareness for world hunger. I especially want to thank those who participated. Without your effort and sacrifice we wouldn’t have a 30 Hour Famine. Thanks for giving up your Saturday and being willing to serve.

Brad Perry
Craig Tanner
Michael Morgan
J.D. Huitt
Jeff Jones
Justin Smith
J.T. Smith
Lester Turilli
Dustin Farris
Kyle Mook
Kendall Tanner
Briana Key
Hannah Huitt
Kendall Center
Juanita Ziegler
Kayla McGowan
Emmie Blankenship
Christina Goulding
Hannah Deveydt
Junita Gillaspy
Madison Radford
Victoria Byrd
Courtney Stoughton
Miranda Prusik