“But I count my life of no value to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God’s Grace.” (Acts 20:24)



Great job last Sunday on “Get Out of The Boat”, you proclaimed the message of that song boldly. I’m sure that those who listened were really inspired to do just what the song says. This Sunday we will sing “Manna From Heaven” in both services, please be in the Choir room by 8:00 am for the first service and again at 10:30 for the second. As always thank you for your time and effort. Please continue to pray for our Choir members. There is still a lot of sickness going around and other people are dealing with other issues, and are stressed to their eye balls and beyond and can’t make it or don’t feel like they should sing, and still others are trying to find there path in ministry and have decided that choir may not be the place for them. Please pray for every ones healing and guidance, direction and that the Lord’s peace would come to them In the path he wants them to go down. I have made a personal decision not to pressure anybody, but to let them find their own path. Truth be told I only want people in choir who really want to be their and who feel like it is the place that God has called them to serve. I do however want everyone to know that you will find that you are always welcome in the choir, no matter how long you’ve been away. Thank you for your service in the past, present and for your future service as well. We do ask whether or not you are active at this time for your participation in prayer.

Kendall Tanner will sing the Vocal Praise in both services.

Jean Lueken will play the piano and Pam Hagan will play the keyboard in the 8:15 service.

Kathy Perry will play the piano and Virgie McGill will play the keyboard in the 10:45 service.

The Praise Team will sing and play in the 10:45 service. The singers will be Sharon Doyle, Nancy Logan, Kathy and Bradley Perry

Choir practice will begin at 5:30 pm

Praise Team rehearsal will be at 7:00 pm with Linda Magruder, Christy Jones, Rick Matthiesen, and Bradley Perry in attendance.


I want to thank everyone who was interested in a solo and who came to sing on the solo assignment days or made special appointments to do so. Everyone that sang did such a great job, so good in fact that I’m having a hard time making the decisions about who should sing each solo. I had hoped to publish the results today, but I just literally can’t decide. I will however have the results by Sunday. Please pray for me as I make this decision.


It’s still not to late for you to be involved in the Easter program. Please feel free to join us at anytime this month. Rehearsals are at 5:30 pm on Sunday evenings, and 6:00 pm on Wednesday evenings. The dress rehearsal will be on Wednesday evening March 19 at 6:00 pm. There are 11 rehearsals left until Easter. Please attend as many of those rehearsals as possible.


Wednesday, February 13 6:00 pm- Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, February 17 5:30 pm- Choir Rehearsal, Praise Team 7:00 pm with Linda M., Christy J, Rick M., Bradley P., in attendance.

Wednesday, February 20 6:00 pm- Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, February 24 5:30- Choir Rehearsal, Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 pm with Kalyn C., Erica T., Kathy P, Bradley P., in attendance.

Wednesday, February 27 6:00 pm- Choir Rehearsal

“Love is patient; love is kind. Love does not envy; is not boastful; is not conceited; does not act improperly; is not selfish; is not provoked; does not keep a record of wrongs; finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things. Love never ends.” (1st Corinthians 13:4-8a)