“Then He said to them all, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” (Luke 9:23)


What a great first Sunday back for you all. We started out small in the early service, but the Lord sang through us and used us, and then we grew for the second service. Thank you for be so willing to be used of God. We have a big Sunday planned this week. So big that I’ve decided to make it a Big Music Sunday. This means that everyone participates in both services if at all possible. So please help to make this Sunday special, by being here and singing in both services. This week the Choir will be singing the song “Orphans of God” in both services. We did sing this a few times about a year and a half ago, so there are many of you who know the song so please feel free to sing with us even if you were not at the last rehearsal. It came back to us very easily Sunday evening when we rehearsed. I hope to see everyone there on Sunday. I look forward to leading in worship with you.

Cindy Muschany will sing the Vocal Praise in both services.

Kathy Perry will play the Piano and Jean Lueken will play the keyboard in both services.

The Praise Team will sing and play in both services. The singers will be Sharon D., Nancy L., Kathy P. and Bradley P.

Both the 8:15 and 10:45 Choirs will sing together in both services.

Choir rehearsal will be at 6:00 pm

Praise Team rehearsal will be at 7:00 pm with Linda M., Christy J., Kathy P. and Bradley P. in attendance.


We have begun preparations for this years Easter Celebration which will be presented on Easter Sunday at 8:00 and 10:45 am. This year Easter is early on March 23. It is not to late to get involved, but if you are going to participate we will need you to begin attending as soon as possible, because of Easter is so early this year. We are currently rehearsing at 6:00 pm on Sunday evenings, and will add extra rehearsals as needed. If you are going to participate we ask that you attend at least two rehearsals a month. I have set a goal to have 50 people sing in the Choir. That means that if you have ever sung in the Choir before you are invited, if you can at least carry a tune and love to worship the Lord, you are invited. As always if you can’t participate we do ask for your participation in prayer.


I will be making solo assignments for the Easter Celebration on Sunday Evening February 3 beginning at 5:00 pm and again on Wednesday evening February 6 at 6:00 pm. If you are interested in singing one of the Solo’s in the Easter program you will need to come sing a portion of the solo that you want to sing during one of these times. However if you can’t attend at one of these times I would be happy to schedule another time to meet with you. The solos in the program as well as the parts for you to learn to sing are listed below:

“YOU CALL ME YOURS”- Pg. 35-37

“MY SAVIOR, MY GOD”- Pg. 70-74


By assigning solos this way no one has to learn the whole song unless the solo is assigned to them and everyone who is interested in a solo gets a chance to be heard. I will have a sign up sheet in the Choir room so you can reserve your spot.


Sunday, January 20- Big Music Sunday, Everyone sings in both services

Sunday, January 27- Licensing Service for Kevin Crowder, 6:00 pm No Rehearsals

Wednesday, January 30- Make-up Choir rehearsal 6:00 pm.

“Just then an expert in the law stood up to test Him, saying, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the law?” He asked him. “How do you read it?” He answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with al your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. “You’ve answered correctly,” He told him. “Do this and you will live.” (Luke 10: 25-28)