“Brothers, consider your calling: not many are wise from a human perspective, not many powerful, not many of noble birth. Instead, God has chosen the world’s foolish things to shame the wise, and God has chose the world’s weak things to shame the strong. God has chosen the world’s insignificant and despised things- the things viewed as nothing- so He might bring to nothing the things that are viewed as something, so no one can boast in His presence. But from Him you are in Christ Jesus, who for us became wisdom from God, as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, in that as it is written: The one who boasts must boast in the Lord.” (1st Corinthians 1:26-31)


Our Christmas program was wonderful. I really felt the power of God singing through us. I could not have asked for it to go any better. I want to thank everyone who played a part in this program, whether you just prayed for us, Loaned us your spouse, sang, did drama, worked with the costumes, worked the sound and media, prepared the meal for us to enjoy, designed the set, or did the decorating, narrated, ushered and passed out programs, attended the program, took care of children, etc… Whatever you did I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you did. I always pray that God will do something that we can’t take the credit for, and that is exactly what happened. I can’t take any credit, all the Glory goes to God.


This week the Choir will sing “Made to Worship” in both services. It is the one from the Christmas program so if any of you who joined us for the Christmas program would like to sing it or even if you just joined us for the Easter program please feel free to sing. We will meet in the Choir room at 8:00 for the 1st service and again at 10:45 for the second service. Thank you for your time, it will be good to get back in the swing of things.

Kalyn Center will sing the vocal praise with her two daughters Kendall and Taylor.

Virgie McGill will play the Piano and Pam Hagan will play the keyboard in the 8:15 service.

Kathy Perry will play the Piano and Virgie McGill will play the keyboard in the 10:45 service.

The Praise Team will sing in the 10:45 service. The singers will be Kendall Tanner, Evette Eickelmann, Kathy and Bradley Perry.

Choir Practice will be at 6:00 pm.

Praise Team will rehearse at 7:00 pm. With Sharon Doyle, Nancy Logan, Kathy and Bradley Perry in attendance.


We started preparations for the Easter program this past Sunday evening. It is not to late for you to be involved. I think everyone knows the drill by now, just begin attending two rehearsals a month as soon as possible since Easter is on March 23 this year. Extra rehearsals will be added as needed. Again it’s my personal goal to have 50 people singing in the Choir, if you would like to help me meet that goal, all help would be appreciated, just start inviting anyone you know who loves to sing and Worship the Lord.


Our Music Ministry Fund is completely empty, because I gave all of the money that we had left to a family in need shortly before Christmas. This Sunday, January 13, 2008 we will be taking up a collection  during our 6:00 pm rehearsal. I tell you this so you can come prepared to give if you have the means, if not don’t worry about it, it’s not a requirement.


Wednesday at 6:15 pm- Accompanist Meeting in Choir Room

Sunday Evenings at 6:00 pm- Choir Rehearsal

Sunday Evenings at 7:00 pm- Praise Team Rehearsal

“Yet to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is God’s power and God’s wisdom, because God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.” (1st Corinthians 1:24-25)