“Not that I have already reached the goal or am already fully mature, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-14)



I wasn’t here, but I heard that Bradley did a great Job, and I say thank you to him for a job well done. Thank you so much for your faithfullness even in my absence. It really takes a load off to know that you all are here making sure that the Lord’s work continues even in my absence. I really enjoyed my time off and am ready to get back in the swing of things. This week the Choir will be singing “You Raise Me Up” in both services. Please be in the Choir Room by 8:00 am for the first service, and again at 10:30 am for the second. I am looking forward to worshipping with you this week.

Cindy Muschany will sing the Vocal Praise in both services.

Mable Brown will play the piano and Pam Hagan or Virgie McGill will play the keyboard in the 8:15 service

Kathy Perry will play the piano and Jean Lueken will play the keyboard in the 10:45 service.

The Praise Team will sing in the 10:45 service. The singers will be Cindy Muschany, Evette Eickelmann, Don Smith and Bradley Perry.

Choir rehearsal will be at 6:00 pm

Praise Team rehearsal will be at 7:00 pm. The singers who need to attend are Sharon Doyle, Nancy Logan, Kathy Perry and Bradley Perry.


Our Patriotic Program is rapidly approaching. Please make every effort to attend as many rehearsals as possible as we put the finishing touches on this program, and don’t forget to pray specifically for the program, that God would use it to accomplish his purposes. If you are unable to participate in this program, we would really appreciate your prayer support.


Sunday, June 3- Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm and Praise Team at 7:00 pm.

Sunday, June 10- Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm and Praise Team at 7:00 pm.

Sunday, June 17- Father’s Day, No Rehearsals

Wednesday June 20- Make-up Choir rehearsal 6:00 pm. No Praise Team Rehearsal, but Kalyn Center, Erica Turilli, Kathy and Bradley Perry will still sing on Sunday June 24 without rehearsing.

Sunday, June 24- Choir Rehearsal in Auditorium 6:00 pm and Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, June 27- Dress rehearsal for the Patriotic Program at 6:00 pm.

Sunday, July 1- Patriotic Program, be in Choir room by 7:45, 1st program 8:15 am, 2nd 10:45 am.

” I am able to do all things through Him who strenthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)