Jesus the Christ was born and swaddling clothes were worn. Fom Heaven God’s Son came, let all the earth proclaim. He was Savior and King, salvation He would bring. He brought hope to the earth. Let there be peace and mirth. The shepherds angels told as God’s will did unfold. They went to Bethlehem. Let’s rejoice as did them. The wisemen came to seek this king that came so meek. They had come from afar. Let us too seek God’s star. Praise be to God, rejoice with soul, heart, and our voice. Lift up your voice and sing, let hallelujahs ring.” (George Scantlan)


Only two more rehearsals left before the program. The first will be tomorrow, Wednesday, December 20 at 6:00 pm, then the dress rehearsal will be on Thursday, December 21 at 6:30 pm. Please make every effort to attend both of these rehearsals. The program is sounding really good, but we could use these rehearsals to iron out a few kinks. There is no doubt in my mind that you all will be completely ready by Sunday. Thanks for your hard work and dedication. Keep praying, keep preparing your own heart, to present the story of Christ birth.

This past Sunday you really did an awesome job on “Jesus Savior Friend”, it was a perfect song to help us remember exactly all the things that Jesus did for us as we celebrated “The Lord’s Supper”. This week we will not be singing in either service, and we will not be sitting in the choir loft either. Please take this opportunity to attend the service of your choice and sit with your family and friends. This is a luxury that doesn’t come around for a choir member very often, so enjoy. Then go home eat, rest, nap or whatever it is you do to relax, and be back at 4:15 for the program.

Evan Aldridge will sing the vocal praise in both services.

Kathy Perry and Jean Lueken will play in both services.

The Praise Team will not sing this week.

Be back at church by 4:15

Christmas program 5:00

Dinner 6:00 pm for program participants and their families.
Christmas program 7:00 pm

This will be the last issue of This Weeks Music News for 2006. You will recieve the next issue on January 2, 2007.


Audra, Madison and I would like to wish each one of you a joyous holiday season. It has been our privilege to serve the Lord with you for the past 4 years. Thank you for your love and support, and for making 2006 a great year in ministry together. Have a very merry Christmas, and a wonderful new year.

The Aldridge Family

Jesus Christ from heaven came. This name is above all names. God’s love is ever the same. His message we must proclaim. Emmanuel He was called. By Him we are so enthralled. God’s kingdom he has installed. Our lives He has now recalled. Savior He was sent to be. He was sacrificed for me. God’s Son came to make us free as He died on Calvary. Unto a stable Mary went. She gave birth to whom God sent. For redemption He was meant. God’s gift from above so lent. Salvation! What a delight. Made possible on that night. Jesus came to make all right. We can be safe in God’s sight.” (George Scantlan)