“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” (1st Corinthians 15:57)


You led in worship and sang “Amazing Grace” well, amazingly. Thank you, I so appreciate the effort that each one of you puts forth to be a part of this ministry. Your hard work, dedication and sacrifice have been noticed and God is blessing us for our obedience to his calling in our lives.

This week the Choir will sing “How Great Is Our God” in both services. I appreciate those of you who are singing in both services, and hope you will continue to do so. We will meet in the choir room at 8:00 am for the first service, and again at 10:30 am for the second service. I can’t hardly wait to hear you sing again and to see each one of you using your gifts for the Lord, and to see how he will bless us once again.

The Praise Team will sing the vocal praise in both services this week.
Kathy Perry will play the piano in both services.

Maria Counts will play the Keyboard in the 8:15, and Jean Lueken will play the keyboard in the 10:45 service.

All the Praise Team will sing the vocal praise in both services, but we will not sing the worship songs in the 8:15 service, however we will in the 10:45 service, but only four singers will sing the worship songs in that service, they will be Cindy Muschany-Soprano, Nancy Logan-Alto, Kathy Perry-Tenor, and Bradley Perry-Bass.

Choir Practice 6:00 pm and Praise Team rehearsal 7:00 pm.


Christmas Choir rehearsals have begun. We rehearse each Sunday evening at 6:00 pm, and we would love to have you join us. We are preparing the Musical “Christmas is Forever” to be presented on Christmas eve at 5:00 and 7:00 pm. We hope everyone who has ever wanted to sing in the choir or who has ever been in the choir will come and sing. Everyone is invited. Remember if you do decide to participate you will need to plan on attending at least two rehearsals a month starting no later than October 17. Even if you can’t sing this year you can all participate by keeping us in your prayers.


Last year we held a missions rally for Franklin County Baptist Association that I led the music for and you all sang the special music in. We have been invited to participate in this rally once again. This year the rally will be held on November 5th at the Sullivan Performing Arts Theater, next to the sullivan high school on 1073 East Vine Street. I will once again be leading the music, Kathy Perry will be playing the piano, and you will be participating in an associational wide choir. The choir will rehearse at 5:00 pm the evening of the program. The program will begin at 6:00 pm. We will be singing the song”Orphans of God”. Jerry Rankin, the President of the I.M.B. will be bringing the message on that evening. I hope that you will all make plans to participate and attend.


No activities to report this week.


SUNDAYS- Choir 6:00 pm, Praise Team 7:00 pm

WEDNESDAYS- Extreme Kids Music and Drama 5:30 pm

“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” (Psalm 40:3)