” But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1st Peter 2:9)


Choir begins again this week. We will be sitting in the choir loft in both services but not singing due to the Youth Mission Trip Video. Choir rehearsal will also begin at 6:00 pm this evening. If this is your night for the Grow training please attend that training since it is just a one time event. I hope you enjoyed your much deserved time off. I look forward to seeing you , and hearing you sing again.


We will be having a choir fellowship on Friday evening July 28 here at the church in the fellowship hall at 7:00 pm. Child care will be provided by reservation only. This is a family event so feel free to bring your whole family, however we need to know how many children will be attending and their ages so we can have age appropriate child care as well as enough child care. Please contact the church office at 860-8044 and let us known if you will be bringing your children. During this time we will be having home made ice cream. We are needing people to volunteer to make ice cream, so if you would be willing please contact Betty Scantlan at 860-2860.


This year Christmas in August will be on August 25, 2006 in the fellowship hall at 7:00 pm. During this time you will be able to choose from the following things to do: Listen to this years Christmas program, watch last years program, view an old Christmas movie, or fellowship with one another. Everyone is asked to bring their favorite Christmas snack and sit back and have a great time. As always your whold family is invited and child care will be provided by reservation only. Please contact the Church office if you will be bringing your children and their ages. This is so we can provide adequate age appropriate child care.

The Lester’s will be in concert in the Temple Baptist Church auditorium on Sunday evening August 27, 2006 at 6:00 pm. You will enjoy the wide range of musical styles performed by this group, ranging from southern gospel, contemporary country, soulful black gospel, carpenters’ style pop sounds. Each concert is performed with such spirit, skill and sensitivity that your heart will be moved by the experience. Please begin now to invite your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to this very special event. A love offering will be taken.