This Sunday the Choir will be singing “Shoutin’ time” in both services. Please be in the Choir room by 8:00 am and plan on singing in both services. The Choir will be dismissed imediately after singing in the 10:45 service.
The Ladies Trio (Kathy Perry, Nancy Logan, and Sharon Doyle) will be bringing the Vocal Praise in both services.
In the 8:15 service Mable Brown will play the Piano and Kathy Perry will play the Keyboard.
In the 10:45 Service Kathy Perry will play the Piano and Jean Lueken will play the Keyboard.
The Praise Team will sing and play in the 10:45 service only.
There will also be no rehearsals this evening due to the family meeting that everyone needs to attend at 6:00 pm. This meeting may go longer so will not have praise team rehearsal either. We will however have a make up rehearsal on March 1, at 7:00 pm for Choir and 8:00 pm for Praise Team.
We will continue Wednesday rehearsals at 7:00 pm through Easter Sunday. In most cases we will only work the Easter program at these rehearsals.
Sunday evening rehearsals are now at 5:30 through Easter Sunday. We will begin each rehearsal with the Easter Program and then work our Sunday morning music after that.