This Sunday, November 20, 2005 our 40 Day Campaign “The Choice” will be drawing to a close. We will be celebrating what the Lord has done during this campaign. This Sunday will be a Big Music Sunday which means that everyone who participates in Choir will participate in Both services. If you don’t normally participate in both services you will need to do so this Sunday. The Choir will be singing “Jesus Paid It All” as special music. We will also be singing the “Grateful Heart Medley” with the congregation. Be in the Choir room in your robes by 8:00 am.

The Praise Team will be singing as special music “Nothing Can Seperate Us” (G3 “Nothing Can Seperate Us CD #5). Praise Team will also need to be in the Choir room by 8:00 am.

I want to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication. The Music during this campaign has been great.