Dear Church family,

The Bible speaks directly to us when it says, “call a solemn assembly; gather the people. Consecrate the congregation; assemble the elders…” (Joel 2:15-16). These words were spoken to a nation in need. They needed economic recovery, military security, governmental responsibility, and social integrity. Rather than offering these things, God directed them to a time of worship for repentance and relational renewal.

The people of Joel’s day learned that success as a nation has less to do with economics or military strength, and more to do with one’s relationship with God. What was true then remains true today. What is true of a nation is also true of families and individuals.

Because of these truths I am calling us to a time of repentance and renewal on Sunday, September 11, 2005 at 6:00 PM. We will gather in silence to worship in Spirit and Truth. Please enter the Sanctuary in silence. People will already be praying for our time together and you are invited to join them as you arrive. There will be childcare available downstairs for children through 6th grade. 5th and 6th graders are invited to participate in the Solemn Assembly at the parent’s discretion.

This is a time for us to seek God together that we might find true spiritual renewal and Godly leadership for the future. There are many opportunities before us that require clear direction from God if we are to succeed for His Glory. Your presence is needed that we may be of one accord as a church and that your life will be in agreement with God.

I look forward to sharing this time of intimate worship with you. Please begin praying now that God will do a great work in all of our lives, that we may be useful vessels for His Glory.

For His Glory,

Pastor Scott