We came up with a new scavenger hunt for the youth group:

I gave each team a notebook, a roll of quarters, a digital camera, and seven sealed envelopes containing the seven riddles I had made up earlier. Here are the rules:

1. As soon as I say go the team can tear open the first envelope and read the riddle. The time starts at this point and the race is on!

2. Once a team figures out its riddle and goes to that location they must use the payphone to call back to the church. I stayed at the church and answered the phone. When the students called in I then gave them two tasks to perform before opening their next clue. (This was a digital camera scavenger hunt so each task involved getting a picture of something.) Once the two tasks were completed they could open their next envelope, figure out the next clue, go to the new location and call me for two more tasks.

3. The first team to go to all 7 locations, complete all 14 tasks, and get back to the church wins.

4. Any team who needs extra help and has to call the church for another clue is given a 2 minute penalty. This means if they need help two times they will have 4 minutes of penalty. If the team arrives first they will have to wait for 4 minutes before I will check them in. If the other team arrives before the first teams 4 minutes are up then the first team to arrive will still lose the game.

5. Any team who arrives at the wrong location and calls in will be given a 1 minute penalty and a small clue. They will still have to find the correct location before I will give them their next two tasks.

6. I also added bonuses to the tasks. If they do something designated as a bonus then they will be given a + 1:00 time bonus. This means if team 1 comes in with 4 minutes of bonus and they arrive only 2 minutes behind team 2 who has no bonus then team 1 will win even though they arrived last.

Here are the riddles and tasks I used for this scavenger hunt.

    7 Location Riddles:

1. I’m closed for the season, deserted and bare, but when summer comes my outlook is Fair. My phone is out of service; I’m in need of repair, just use a cell phone and get a picture there! LOCATION: Sullivan Fair Grounds.

2. You must take a trip down the road to a place with some sweet treats. Fill your stomach while you fill your car. Their “kwik” service can’t be beat! LOCATION: B&B Kwik Stop & Andy’s Ice Cream

3. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z – Look really close, letters don’t always stay, one of my letters is flying away! LOCATION: Flying J Truck Stop

4. I used to be blue, but now I am brown, I’m also the biggest store in town. – LOCATION: Wal-Mart (which was just re-painted)

5. In a nearby town named after a drink, the clue will be easy if you will just think. I’m at a place that is yellow, blue, and red. If you can’t find the phone get the van washed instead. – LOCATION: Mobil On The Run in Bourbon.

6. Tank empty? Need something to eat? Why not do both at the same time? Fill up the van, eat like a “King”, but don’t play to long or you’ll lose this thing! – LOCATION: Burger King/Gas Station

7. Flowers & trees; pavilions & cabins, Just follow the river and the next clue you’ll be grabbin! – LOCATION: The State Park

    14 Different Tasks to Perform

1. Get a picture of your entire team around the nearest caboose (we have an old caboose near our church at a small park)

2. Get a picture of your entire group in front of the movie posters outside of Sullivan 6 Cinema! Extra points if Jeff Jones is in your picture. (Jeff is one of our youth who works at the theater.)

3. Get a picture of your entire group at the Harney Mansion. (The mansion is a historical site in our town.)

4. Get a picture of two of your team members playing with a dog named after unleavened dough, made of wheat flour, water, and sometimes eggs, that is molded into any of a variety of shapes and boiled. (Our music ministers dog is named Pasta.)

5. Find the Eaton Funeral Home Chapel in Bourbon and have your entire group get their picture taken there. (One of our church members owns the funeral home in Sullivan and the chapel in Bourbon. Everyone knows where the one is in Sullivan but not Bourbon.)

6. Get a picture of your group on the sidewalk at a business that is open playing “Duck, Duck, goose”

7. Get a picture of a team member shaking the hand of a stranger at Movie Gallery.

8. Two members hanging upside down on monkey bars. Extra points for eating a banana while upside down!

9. Get a picture of your team around a Diesel Truck. For a bonus, get a picture with the truck driver!

10. Get a picture of your entire team around the red cardinal statue at the city park.

11. Get a picture of your group in the play-land area of Burger King

12. Get a picture of your group walking through Kentucky Fried Chicken flapping their wings and bucking like a chicken.

13. Get a picture you your group in front of the visitor center of the state park.

14. Get back to the church as soon as possible. First team to arrive with all of their pictures taken wins!

The youth had a great time with this!