We have almost completed our server change over. Most of the pictures are back online as well as the Prayer Request form. If you haven’t seen the Kristo, I would recommend that you view it.

Along with our new host comes a few changes to tbcsullivan.com. The first change it this home page. This page will list current events important news and other announcements. You can even make comments about the news if you click comments below the entry. If you would like to receive an e-mail when this page is updated you can type in your e-mail address under get updates and press the “add” button in the left sidebar. All the news and events listed here will be archived. You can search the archive in the left sidebar as well.

The event calendar is also back online. We will soon begin utilizing that to put important upcoming events in.

You might also want to check out the new look of the Student Ministries here at TBC.

If there are any other features that you would like to see here at TBC’s website, please let us know in the comments.
